Whose birthday is it this time?

Jockey Club / Saturday, September 11th, 2021

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks here…

Rob’s birthday

Somerled’s 11th birthday

Fathers Day

and now it’s the Jockey Club’s turn…

This month our lovely little wine club turns 10!


A massive thank you goes out to every single one of our Jockey Club members… past and present! We absolutely could NOT have done it without you (obviously!).

Whether you joined us last week or you’re amongst the handful of members who have been with us EVERY step of the way – we think you’re awesome!

So awesome, in fact, that we think it’s time to add a little something extra to your club benefits.

But before I divulge the details of this exciting offer, let’s find out how your club began…

(or if you absolutely can not wait another second, you can scroll to the bottom for more information!)…




This, from Lucy…

“I honestly believe that people are better off with Somerled in their lives! But when I thought about wine clubs, the things that kept springing to mind all had negative connotations. A dozen wines arriving on your doorstep, often coming as a bit of a surprise and with no options to change the contents.

“I always felt that style of wine club left members feeling taken advantage of and were difficult to escape. I spent a lot of time going around in circles trying to come up with our own offering.

“It was around that time (late April 2011) that we all went to the Napa Valley for Emma’s 40th birthday. Some of Emma’s friends came too – a dozen girls and Dad! He was in his element! 12 girls and Dad touring Napa. That trip had another purpose which was to collect as much insider information as to how the wineries there managed their clubs. I was completely dismayed by all the 2-3 bottle wine clubs on offer. Why on earth would they do that? What a waste of resources.

“BUT… my sister was joining them all. She lived on her own and that’s all she wanted. It also gave her the opportunity to be a member and try wines from several wineries, not just one or two.

“It wasn’t until we went to Mumm Champagne that it all started to make sense to me. The guy there told us… “Yeah, I think we have 20,000 members. We probably get about 20 per day”. The whole way home on the plane I was madly writing and planning it all out. I had it sorted by the time we touched down!

“We did our first mail-out in September that year with six deliveries! 

“These days, we have a couple more than that, but the family still pack each and every box by hand!”



Here is a little video we filmed earlier in the week during which we reminisce on how far we’ve come…


I have no doubt the “process” worked well when the number of members was still in double-digits. But even the Moodys agreed (after some convincing) that it was time to move into the 21st century as the club began to grow!


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What about that new club benefit???!

Yes, yes… I’m getting there.

An official email will hit your inbox on Tuesday. 

But because you read the blog, you get to learn about it 2 days early!


On top of your already excellent 15% discount on Somerled wines, you will now have the opportunity to earn dollar credits on purchases and offers!

To start you off, your account will automatically be credited with $10 on Tuesday. A little birthday present from us to you.

Your $10 can be spent on anything in our online shop, or at the Cellar Bar. 

But why stop at $10?! You can earn additional credit by doing any of the following…

  • Purchasing a 6-pack of any of our wines outside of your regular Club Packs – earn $15 credit
  • Give a $100+ gift card to family or friends – earn $15 credit
  • Accept one of our “Credit Opportunity Special Offers” – the first arrives in your inbox on Tuesday 21st September and will give you a chance to earn up to $45 credit!

Credits last for 6 months. Our first credit period extends until March 31st 2022, and then we start again for another 6 months from April 1st 2022. And so on!

We’ll give you ample warning before your credits expire. And will send you email updates every month with your Credit Total.

And remember to keep an eye on your email on Tuesday for the official announcement.

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