An action packed month!

Wine / Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

We’ve been MIA, but that doesn’t mean we’ve been lazing around sipping Somerled wine and enjoying fine food.



…we DID do a bit of that!

BUT, we’ve also been busy creating a new website and a new club portal where you take care of all your club-ish things . It will also be a place for you to come to see member only offers and content, so keep an eye out.

In the meantime, why not log in a have a look around. Update your details if anything’s not right. You can find instructions on how to do that here. Or, as always, if you need any help, please send me an email.


What else have we been up to you ask?

Well, if all that wasn’t enough for you, here are some other things that have been keeping us busy…


The Moodys Took a Break

While daughter Emma was visiting from New York, the Moodys took a trip to the Eyre Peninsula. If you missed it, you can read all about it here.

Despite much cajoling, harassing and begging, Emma returned to America around 3 weeks ago. Each time she visits we’re convinced she’s had such an amazing time, that she will finally come to here sense and return to Australia for good. As yet, I have no news on that front but please stay tuned for any updates!


Maree Took a Break

Deciding what’s “good for the goose is also good for the gander”, I took the opportunity to follow suit and have a week off (despite much cajoling, harassing and begging from Lucy!).

Somerl-Eddie turned 8 (can you believe it?!) so we celebrated by doing ALL the things in Melbourne. Legoland, Sea Life, the Melbourne Museum (which has a great T-Rex exhibition – hence the dinosaur photo!) and a visit to the Dingo Discover Centre and Research Foundation. We got to feed and play with Dingo puppies and meet the hero’s from two books we’ve been enjoying together, Kimmi and Wandi by Favel Parrett. It was a little dingo lovers’ dream come true!


At the Cellar Door

We’ve official sold out of our 2022 Chardonnay and our shelves are now stocked up with the 2023 vintage you received in your May Club pack. 

If it’s been a while since you tasted it (ie. you drank it as soon as it arrived on your doorstep!) here are Rob’s tasting notes on the wine that he say is his favourite vintage since 2012!

What a standout. The malolactic fermentation in this wine is a touch more restrained than in the 2022 (current) vintage. 

The MLF is already showing beautiful integration with the elegance of fresh white peaches, a hint of citrus peel, the sophistication of the Tremaux oak (setting it apart from the 2022 which used the delicious Chassin oak) and the full palate having a significant impact!

I love the lingering characters of this wine, it goes on for a good while on the palate, and that mouthful really is a surprise after the very restrained nose. I’m not sure why that is, and it’s nice that our wines can still keep us entertained with what they do. Cellar half of this and drink the rest now in fabulous company, as this wine is a winner! Rob.

If you need a top up, make sure you head to our shop (either on-line or in person) to nab a bottle or two!


In the Club Room

We hosted a gorgeous birthday party for Lucy’s godson in our private member club rooms on Saturday night.

Along with all the offerings you would expect from a Somerled party (that is, lashing of food, wine and frivolity) it featured a Cigar and Whiskey Lounge complete with fire pit, comfy leather chairs and candlelit surrounds.

If you would like to host a party in YOUR private member rooms, please send us an email or give us a call to discuss your needs!


I think that brings you up to speed on all the happenings. I’ll be back with some more wine-related news in a fortnight!

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