Are You (C)old Enough?


You may have noticed, especially if you live in the southern part of the country, that it’s been pretty cold […]

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More than one way to… label a wine


We’re getting organised to send our 2023 Pinot Noir down the bottling line. It will be safely tucked away in […]

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An action packed month!


We’ve been MIA, but that doesn’t mean we’ve been lazing around sipping Somerled wine and enjoying fine food. Well…  OK… […]

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Gone Fishin


Winemakers who have consistently put up brilliant wines for 54 years need a break. But did Rob take one? No. […]

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Have you ever had a glass of wine on an aeroplane? You might have noticed that wine tastes very differently at […]

August 2, 2023

We made it!


The Adelaide Hills Season Review 2022/2023 collated by CropWatch hit my inbox last week.  Don’t stress… I’m not going to […]

July 6, 2023

Pervasive Pests


I promise I’ll stop going on about how great Sauvignon Blanc (particularly Rob’s version) is soon (…er or later). But […]

June 28, 2023